. How To Weather Wood Quickly

How To Weather Wood Quickly

Weather Wood Quickly

While the smell of freshly carpentered furniture is one that many love, the look of a brand-new piece can sometimes look too clean and clinical. Weathering the wood artificially can tone down the brightness of the timber and make it more congruent with the surroundings.

Here’s our xx pint guide to the best way to weather new timber.

Be creatively destructive

You can really have some fun trying to bash some life into the surface as though it has undergone years of use. Get a load of old tools and accessories, such as hammers, wire wool, sandpaper, drill bits – anything that can make a mark. Don’t forget to wear safety glasses.

Let your creative frustrations rip by bashing, banging, and marking the wood to make it look like it has been eaten by a woodworm, scratched by years of kids’ homework, or left too long in the bright sun – whatever your imagination allows.

Age with vinegar

You can then make the wood look older and weather-beaten using fine steel wool and vinegar. Soak the steel wool in distilled wine vinegar. The longer the wire is in the vinegar, the darker and warmer the tones of the finished product. So if you rub the wool into the timber after just 30 minutes or so of soaking, you will get an ash grey shade reminiscent of driftwood. However, two days or more of soaking will produce a deeper rustic brown.

The longer you leave it, the darker the overall hues.

Make yourself a cup of coffee

It’s hard but satisfying work adding wood, so make sure you relax and take a coffee break. But while you’re doing so, pinch some of the coffee grounds and add them to the vinegar solution. Coffee will help to highlight the darker, richer brown tones. You may want to experiment with the amount of coffee you use. The more you use, the darker the overall effect.

Applying the solution to your wood

You are advised to wear safety goggles and gloves while applying the mixture as they could cause you harm.

Brush the solution into the wood. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Don’t forget, you are wanting to make the wood look old and weather-beaten, so if it looks slightly uneven that only adds to the overall effect.

You can apply several layers to build up a more authentic effect, but leave the wood to dry after each application.

Add stain

Adding stain will enhance the weathered look of your timber. If your wood is relatively light, the weathering effect might not be apparent until it is stained.

Use natural light


Using natural sunlight and baking soda outside you can add years to the appearance of your wood. If your wood is untreated, take it outside to a sunny corner and distress it in the manner we described in step one

Then take a baking soda mix made up of equal parts water and baking soda, and paint it onto the wood in a thick layer. Spray it with white wine vinegar, then leave it in the sun to dry for several hours (even better, leave it overnight). When dry, brush off the dried-up baking soda, wash down and dry with a clean cloth. Keep repeating this process until you have achieved a finish you are happy with.

Enhance your piece of furniture with the help of artificial grass accessories to create an immediate seating area of a synthetic lawn that looks inviting and sumptuous all at the same time.