. 3 reason behind your hair become brittle

3 reason behind your hair become brittle

reason behind your hair become brittle

Due to some common mistakes, we have to notice brittle hair. Today I’m sharing with you 3 reason behind your hair become brittle. Regular heat styling, chemical treatment, low nutrition, weather changes these are some common cause of frizzy and brittle hair. Brittle hair cannot be ignoring thing. You have to repair this problem by avoiding these mistakes.

Here is the 3 mistake of causing brittle hair.

Regular heat

We love to do hairstyles but regular heat damages our hair and this is one of the reason behind your hair become brittle. Hair becomes thin to using regular heat or using a hairdryer. Do you know when you dry your hair with a hairdryer it started to bubble the water of your hair? It doses same as hair straighter and hair curler.

Chemical treatment: reason behind your hair become brittle

Chemical treatment is one of the main hair damage-causing treatments. Stop doing chemical treatment repeatedly it will make your hair dull. Chemical attacks your hair and ruins the strength. Hair is the biggest jewelry to women so, keep it natural and safe.

The wrong shampoo

Everyone has a different hair type. So, your friend’s favorite shampoo may not be work for you. So, choose the best shampoo according to your hair type. If your hair gets damaged more and more by using any branded shampoo or any other hair product so immediately throw it out of your haircare routine. Always choose the best quality product for your hair.