There are different skin problems but acne and rashes are the most irritating. Today I’m telling you the best way to use honey for pimples. Acne always comes and when the acne leaves the skin with a blemish.
The use of honey from mythological times is immense. Honey is very beneficial. In ancient times, honey was used as ayurvedic medicine. Honey has endless benefits. Today I’m telling you the best way to use the home for pimples.
Is honey safe for acne?
Yes! Honey is one of the safest natural ingredients for the skin. Honey has a perfect balance of sugar. Many ways have to use honey on acne-prone skin. You can use natural honey if you have or you can go with any honey brand.
Using Turmeric and Honey as Face Mask
Turmeric is a natural ingredient which has lots of beauty benefits. A combination of honey and turmeric is a deadly beauty beneficial trick. Take turmeric half teaspoon and 1 tablespoon spoon of honey. mix them both. Apply it on your skin. After 15 minutes wash the honey and turmeric mask with the help of water.
Cleanser – Tea tree oil and honey
Tea tree oil contains inflammatory properties. Most beauty products use tea tree oil to their product. The combination of tea tree oil and honey can use a cleanser. Take 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and 1 spoon of honey. Mix them very well. Massage your face for 5-7 minutes. You can add this remedy to your skincare routine. This is the best way to use honey for pimples.
Honey Face Mask with Neem: Best Way to use Honey for Pimples
Neem is multi using the ingredient. You can eat it, drink it, or use it as a skincare remedy. Neem and honey both is an organic ingredient which came from nature and both are very beneficial for our health, skin, and hair. Take fresh neem leaves and add honey. Blend them with a help of a blender. Use the mask on your face for 7-9 minutes. Wash it by using water. Do this process twice a week for a visible result.